At the school gate

It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the LORD. Lamentations 3:26

Sometime ago I passed by a primary school and saw parents waiting outside the gate and soon the bell rang then I saw children being led by their teachers to stand at the gate. No child could go until he/she saw the parent. I saw parents waving for their children to see they were there to take them home and I could see so much delight in the children’s eyes when they saw their parents and likewise the parents. 

Most times waiting is for our own good. Moving when God has not come could be detrimental. But when He comes, joy is inevitable. The delay won’t matter. He makes up for everything in an instant. All the anxiousness ends when He comes. 

In your mind’s eye, why not stand at the gate like a child waiting for his parents and watch God come for you and just so you know, as a perfect God, He is already at the gate waving at you. Why not go where you can see God’s wave. He is already waiting for you. 

I know circumstances may make some parents come late but I am assured they will come. These children trust their parents to come. 

For you who may have been at the gate a while, God is waving already. Nothing can stop God from coming. Your own circumstance may be stopping you from seeing His wave. You may have been complaining at the gate, you may have taken your eyes off where you can see His wave. By the Spirit pray to see Him waving. He has been waving a long time. 

Remember, The LORD is good unto them that wait for Him, to the soul that seeketh Him. Lamentations 3:25

God can be trusted and you can see His wave from His word. God is waving at you dear one.

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